I've been doing some thinking lately. OK, a lot of thinking. I've had time, since Vancouver has been killing the restaurant industry lately with its collective reluctance to eat out. Bring on the Christmas parties, and possibly the anxiety killers.
I've been mulling over how to create a niche for myself in this epic climate of change and uncertainty. The interwebs, while wonderful and life altering, are also a bit overwhelming when it comes to carving out a space for yourself. Invariably, there are more than several people who are exactly like you, and possibly better at what you do than you are. That being said, this is my attempt to prove my online worth. I already have built myself a small profile as a writer, social-networking junkie, and avid entertainment fanatic. You can find out more about me HERE, HERE or HERE. Future Ex-Waitress is the place I'm going to send anyone who can benefit from what I know, and in turn, I can benefit by gaining more experience.
Lately I have been asked to give several tutorials on Social Media, Blogging, and online communicating to those in my inner circle. I obviously comply, because I want nothing more than to show my nearest and dearest the heroin grade addictiveness that is the online world and the benefits that go along with it. I've also been giving out free reads with contests on Twitter like DSLC and iTunes Trivia. I've dabbled at providing free bios in exchange for band merch or tickets, as well as providing content for video game developers who haven't found their funding just yet. All of this is the beginnings of a career in writing, and social media, which has led me here.
This is the site for you if you're looking for assistance. Tutorials on social media, and how to combine your Facebook, Twitter and Blog. A read for your script by another writer with notes. A bio for your band, club, website. Content for your free online site. A movie review, or a HaikuMovieReview. A Family Christmas letter (maybe? I'm thinking outside the box here). I have installed -by sheer PayPal awesomeness- a "Donate" button at the top of this page. If anything I manage to write for you causes more than the usual amount of relief, The Future Ex-Waitress Fund is accessible. If not, I got experience, and you got a product.
I am told this is the time to create a position for yourself. This is my first humble attempt.
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